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Reading suggestions:
Journey to the Centre of the Earth.
Journey To the Center of the Earth, written by Jules Verne, is among the first books I read when I was younger and it is, in my opinion, the ultimate adventure book.
This book is a classic of French literature, and not only this, Verne has been the precursor of Sci-fi literature.
The journey of the character starts in Iceland and, after many adventures, ends in Italy.
I am not going to add more, but I can say that this engaging novel has all the elements for adventure, nature and exploration lovers. It is a MUST to read.
Journey in the Center of the Earth is a book not only for young readers but for all those who like light reading, fast and with action.
This novel, as a matter of fact, can be read in one go, unleashing the imagination and the desire to know how it ends.
Worth noting that in addition to the many movies, Journey in the Center of the Earth became an animation series in 1967 and has also been the subject of many video games.